Learn more about our training courses
''Software Developer" training course
The training course is full-free and it is aimed to build new software developer profiles
2020 Edition
The final aim of the course is to transfer the knowledge of the syntax of the most popular languages (JAVA, CSS3, HTML, ANGULAR JS) to the learners. Furthermore, the course promotes work independently, and to learn similar languages independently.
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493/5000 Providing solutions in place where the customer has a team of professionals with transversal skills available is our Value Proposition. Moreover we exploit the best technologies on the market to manage organizational structures. Our motto is Net-Work for solution and it is with this in mind that we work, supporting the growth of our customers. What we do is take the company by the hand to support it in its growth.
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Il corso ha come obiettivo finale quello di trasferire ai discenti la conoscenza della sintassi dei linguaggi maggiormente diffusi (JAVA, CSS3, HTML, ANGULAR) insieme ad una logica di utilizzo che consenta di operare in maniera indipendente, ma che consenta all’allievo di imparare anche altri linguaggi similari in autonomia.
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